Electric Dog Fences Are They Cruel?

I was recently reading through some of my favorite dog and pet websites and ran across a discussion about electric dog fences. There were basically two different opinions on the subject. Before I get into the discussion let me explain a little more about what an electric dog fence does exactly.

Electric dog fences fall into two basic categories. Those that are considered underground invisible dog fences require an actual copper wire to be buried around the perimeter of the area you wish to use to contain the dog. The other type the of electric or wireless dog fence uses a radio frequency instead of an actual copper wire like the underground dog fence. Both of these types of electric dog fences have the same basic use.

You equip your dog with a collar that will give them a warning when they are approaching their limits. If the dog ignores the warning sounds emitted by the dog collar and gets too close to the boundaries of the electric dog fence then they receive a small shock to stop them in their tracks. Proper use of either of these types of electric dog fences require some training with your dog so they know exactly where they can go.

The big argument of the electric dog fence is because of the electric shock the dog receives if they go to close to the boundaries of the containment area. One opinion is that any negative reinforcement is bad and basically constitutes animal cruelty. The other opinion on the electric dog fence is that with proper training the dog will not endure any pain and will be kept safe by not leaving the safe haven of the yard. I can understand both sides of this argument and realize that there is a give and take with an electric dog fence. If your using an electric dog fence just because your lazy and don't want to train your dog, then this is definitely not the way to contain your dog. If you take the time to properly train your dog and use the electric dog fence as an added tool to keep them from the harms of a busy road then I personally think it's OK. I would much rather my dog got a small shock from the electric dog fence than get hit by a car.

There are plenty of videos out there that show you how to train your dog properly when using an electric dog fence and any new dog owner should view them before ever considering either a wireless dog fence or the underground dog fence. I do agree that negative reinforcement isn't the best way to train your dog but if you use your electric dog fence properly the dog shouldn't experience any shock unless its to save his life. I'll try to cover more on electric dog fences including training and installation in future articles.

Dog Doors And More | Buying A Puppy

Now that spring is here and the weather is getting nice parents will start thinking about buying a puppy for their kids. When buying a puppy there are several things that need to be considered besides what breed and sex to get.

Space- do you have a large enough yard or house for the specific breed of puppy your going to purchase? Every puppy is going to be playful and want to romp around the yard, so you need to make sure there will be plenty of room. Do you need to install a dog door? Is your yard fenced in or will you used an electronic dog fence?

Training- how are you going to train your new puppy? Are you going to take it to obedience classes? Many people opt to train their puppies without the aid of a professional trainer. There are many videos and books available to help you if you should decide to train your puppy at home.

Time- do you have time for a puppy? Raising a puppy can take a lot of time, especially when they are very young. Do you work all day? Will someone be at home to look after the puppy? Perhaps you will decide to utilize a puppy day care center. They are fairly new to the pet world but are quickly becoming popular with pet owners. If you do decide to take your puppy to day care make sure you verify their credentials.

These are just a few of the things you should consider before you purchase a new puppy. Take the time to read up on the individual breed of dog you choose. Some dogs just don’t do well indoors or with children. Caring for a new dog is just like raising a child it takes time and patience